Podrobnosti dogodka

  • Datum:
  • Kraj dogodka: Splet

Oddelek za restavratorstvo UL ALUO v sodelovanju z ZVKDS, Restavratorskim centrom, v petek, 21. maja 2021 ob 14.00, organizira dve gostujoči spletni predavanji arh. Ilarie Sfarra in dr. Stefana Sfarra z Akademije za likovno umetnost v L’Aquili na temo uporabe risbe in IR termogarfije na področju kulturne dediščine.
Ilaria Sfarra

Draw and relief as ways of knowledge: the study of a Cultural Heritage in order to realize a conscious Restoration project. Analysis of a case study: the Church of Santa Maria Paganica, L’Aquila, Italy; 14.00 – 16.00

Drawing for architecture and restoration: Study approach by using the draw in compositional, structural, stylistic, material and chromatic analysis, visual analysis of stratigraphy, comparative analysis and study of proportional and metric ratios.


Stefano Sfarra, PhD

Seeing the unseen: infrared thermography for the detection of defects in the cultural heritage field – a scientific approach; 16.00 – 18.00

Infrared Thermography, Thermal/infrared physics, thermal camera working in the LWIR, thermographic applications in the field of cultural heritage (in-situ and in laboratory), how to do a thermographic inspection, active and passive approaches, advanced applications and basics of image analysis, case studies.


Dostop do predavanj bo na povezavi: https://uni-lj-si.zoom.us/j/94763361824