
prilagamo obvestilo v angleškem jeziku o zborniku prispevkov 12. mednarodnega srečanja konservatorjev-restavratorjev baltskih držav, ki bo potekalo naslednje leto v Vilni.


Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce that preprints of The 12th Baltic States Triennial Conservators’ Meeting „RESEARCH. DILEMMAS. SOLUTIONS.” has already been published!

You can view the contents of the book right now on Conference’s website: http://conservation2020vilnius.ldm.lt/book/

All of you will get a copy during the Conference.

We sincerely thank all authors and co-authors for such positive and constructive cooperation!

Stay healthy! We look forward to seeing you all in Vilnius on 26-29 of May, 2021!



the Organizing Committee